9 Effective Ways to Quit Smoking – For smokers, especially heavy smokers, quitting smoking is not an easy thing.
However, there are several ways to quit smoking that can be done to get rid of this bad habit.
That way, the body can return to health and the risk of various diseases will decrease.
Quitting smoking is a challenge for smokers.
The reason is, some of the content in cigarettes can cause an addictive effect, so that it can trigger the emergence of nicotine withdrawal symptoms when someone tries to quit smoking.
However, that doesn’t mean you can’t quit smoking.
With patience and strong determination, you can be free from the shackles of smoking and the dangers that come with it.
Various Ways to Quit Smoking
If you are an active smoker and intend to stop this bad habit, there are several ways to quit smoking, including:
Manage Stress
Stress can be one of the reasons someone chooses to smoke, because the nicotine content in it can provide a relaxing effect quickly.
However, several studies have shown that smoking can actually make a person more prone to stress.
To relieve stress, change smoking habits slowly by doing some fun activities, such as listening to music, doing massage therapy, or meditation.
In addition, as much as possible also avoid situations that can bring stress.
Avoiding the Triggers of Smoking Habits
When you’re trying to quit smoking, try to avoid factors or habits that can make you return to smoking, such as drinking coffee and alcohol or hanging out with fellow smokers.
If you are used to smoking after eating, you can find other ways to replace it, for example by chewing gum or brushing your teeth.
Eat healthy food
Some active smokers often feel less in the mood to eat, because the nicotine in cigarettes can reduce the sensitivity of the senses of taste and smell.
Research shows that healthy foods, such as vegetables and fruits, can reduce the desire to smoke again.
Not only that, healthy food can also meet the body’s nutritional needs while restoring the appetite that is reduced due to smoking.
Exercise regularly
Not only makes the body healthier and fitter, exercise can also reduce addiction to nicotine.
When the urge to smoke comes, you can divert this urge by doing sports, such as walking, swimming, or cycling.
Cleaning the house regularly
House cleanliness can also be one of the factors that can support you to stop smoking.
You can wash clothes, bed linen, carpets, or curtains that contain the smell of cigarettes.
You can also use air fresheners to get rid of the smell of cigarette smoke and take your mind off the things that can remind you of cigarettes, including the smell.
Involve family and closest friends
Tell your family and close friends that you are in the process of quitting smoking.
Thus, they can help and provide support so that you always remember the goal of quitting smoking that you want to achieve.
Try nicotine-replacement therapy
Nicotine replacement therapy generally aims to overcome frustration and relieve withdrawal symptoms that are often felt when a smoker tries to quit smoking.
Cigarette replacement therapy media vary, ranging from chewing gum, lozenges, inhalers, to nasal sprays.
Although it is considered safe and can reduce addiction to cigarettes, you are still advised to consult a doctor first before doing NRT.
Undergoing behavioral therapy
Counseling with a psychologist or counselor can help you identify the triggers for smoking and find a smoking cessation strategy that suits your condition.
To maximize its success, behavioral therapy can be combined with nicotine replacement therapy and medication by a doctor.
Try hypnotherapy
One way to stop smoking is to undergo alternative therapy in the form of hypnotherapy.
The effectiveness of hypnotherapy to stop smoking is not known with certainty.
However, some people claim to have felt the benefits.

In addition to the methods above regarding 9 Effective Ways to Quit Smoking, several types of drugs, such as bupropion and varenicline, can also help you quit smoking.
However, this drug should only be taken as directed and under the supervision of a doctor.
Quitting smoking is not an easy thing to do.
Not a few people who fail to do so.
However, your commitment to quitting smoking will go a long way in getting rid of the habit.
When you find it difficult to stop smoking, try to remember the reasons why you want to stop smoking, for example so that your body is free from various diseases or your family is protected from the dangers of being passive smokers.
However, if you still find it difficult to quit smoking despite the various ways to quit smoking above, don’t hesitate to consult a doctor.
Your doctor can determine how to quit smoking effectively and according to your condition.
Reference: https://www.alodokter.com/bahas-satu-satu-cara-berhenti-merokok